Arts in the Pacific

9782841701261 ARPAC

Welcome to the Pacific : come and discover some of the beautiful valuables exchanged by Pacific Island peoples... Clear and well illustrated descriptions of the rich Pacific cultures.The artefacts described in this book belong to the collections of Musée de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (Museum of New Caledonia)

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Auteur Florence Klein
Éditeur Grain de Sable
Genre Beaux livres, art
Tags pacific,english books,english,documentaire,arts,artefacts,ancestor wo
Format Format 14 x 22 cm, broché, 40 pages
EAN 13 9782841701261

En savoir plus

Welcome to the Pacific : come and discover some of the beautiful valuables exchanged by Pacific Island peoples... Clear and well illustrated descriptions of the rich Pacific cultures.The artefacts described in this book belong to the collections of Musée de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (Museum of New Caledonia)